The Importance of Online Procedures in Colombia

Colombia has made significant progress in recent years when it comes to digitizing processes and procedures, including those relating to the criminal justice system. The INPEC (National Penitentiary and Prison Institute) has also embraced this digital transformation, providing a more efficient and accessible way for citizens to conduct certain tasks, such as submitting domiciliary inquiries through their website.

One of the most relevant and widely used online procedures of the INPEC is the domiciliary inquiry. This process allows inmates to request a transfer to a different penitentiary based on valid reasons, such as health issues, family reunification, or work opportunities. The email address is the designated contact for the penitentiary of Picota, located in Bogotá, and serves as a direct channel for inmates to initiate their request.

The Benefits of Online Procedures for Citizens

Traditionally, inmates had to go through a long and tedious process to initiate a transfer request, involving paperwork and physical visits to different offices. This not only consumed a lot of time but also caused unnecessary stress and complications to both the inmates and their families. With the implementation of domiciliary inquiries through email, requesting a transfer has become a much simpler and more accessible process for inmates.

In addition to simplifying the process, the use of online procedures also allows for a faster response time, as the INPEC has a specific team in charge of addressing these inquiries. This not only benefits the inmates but also contributes to a more efficient and streamlined operation of the penitentiary system.

Moreover, the use of online procedures eliminates the need for unnecessary physical contact, reducing the risks of the spread of diseases and improving overall safety and security. This is especially relevant in times of pandemics, where minimizing physical contact is crucial to preventing the spread of the virus.

The Benefits of Online Procedures for the INPEC

The implementation of online procedures has not only benefited citizens but has also brought numerous advantages to the INPEC and its operations. The first and most apparent benefit is the reduction of paperwork and manual processes. This not only saves time and resources, but it also minimizes the risk of human error, which can often lead to delays and complications in the process.

In addition, digitizing procedures has allowed the INPEC to have a centralized database of all inquiries, making it easier to track requests and provide a more efficient response. With this digital infrastructure in place, the INPEC can also generate reports and analyze data to make informed decisions and improve their services.

Another benefit of online procedures is the ability to reach a larger audience and cater to citizens’ needs that do not have direct access to an INPEC office. This is especially relevant for those living in remote areas, who would otherwise have to travel a long distance to initiate a request.

How to Submit a Domiciliary Inquiry through Email

Submitting a domiciliary inquiry through email is a straightforward process. First, the inmate or their legal representative must draft an email to with the following information:

  • Full name and identification number of the inmate
  • Reason for the request
  • Proposed location of transfer
  • Any supporting documents, such as medical records or job offers.

Once the email is sent, the INPEC team will review the request and provide a response through the same email address. It is essential to ensure that all the necessary information is included in the email to facilitate a prompt and efficient response.

In Conclusion

The implementation of online procedures in Colombia has brought numerous benefits to citizens and institutions alike. Specifically, the use of online procedures for domiciliary inquiries has simplified and expedited the process for inmates, improved efficiency in the INPEC’s operations, and increased accessibility for citizens without direct access to an INPEC office. As technology continues to advance, it is likely that more procedures and processes will be digitized, bringing further benefits to society as a whole.

Domiciliarias.e.p.c picota@ inpec. gov. co.

Trabajar en el INPEC significa tener la oportunidad de formar parte de un equipo que da prioridad a las personas. Nos tomamos muy en serio la confianza que deposita en nosotros mientras nos esforzamos por servirle.El INPEC comenzará a recibir la preinscripción de candidatos para.

Domiciliarias.e.p.c picota@ inpec. gov. co.

Trabajar en el INPEC significa tener la oportunidad de formar parte de un equipo que da prioridad a las personas. Nos tomamos muy en ser. interno domiciliaria epc

Imagínate que te dicen que tus únicas opciones en la vida son triunfar o quedarte en la cárcel. Uno de los lugares que visitamos en n.

Interno domiciliaria epc

El INPEC se encarga de ejecutar las penas impuestas por los jueces a los condenados por homicidio, robo a mano armada, secuestro y otros. domiciliarias inpec...


El trámite domiciliario del EPC Picota es un proceso que permite a los internos del Instituto Nacional Penitenciario y Carcelario (INPE.

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